The man who listens to horses talks to people. 'Monty Roberts will make you marvel. The Man Who Listens to Horses will first break, then mend your heart.' New York Times Already famous for his way with horses, Monty Roberts now wants to revolutionise the way we communicate with each other. His principles of trust and non-violence, about which he speaks so passionately and lucidly in his public demonstrations, made corporations from all over the world send their managers to watch his work with horses. They saw that Monty's techniques could be applied to business leadership and training. People of all kinds all over the world write and talk to Monty Roberts everywhere, because his passion for understanding, for gentleness, for fairness, reaches all of his audiences. They respond to his ideas of how we can make the world in which we live and work a better place. 'The demonstration by Monty Roberts taught us some valuable lessons in peoplemanship. Each of us learned something we could bring back to our daily lives.' Richard H Frank, Chairman, Walt Disney Communications We can't all meet him, so in response to the almost universal demand to Monty to make his life-changing thinking available to everyone, he wrote this book. Now you can buy Books online in USA,UK, India and more than 100 countries.
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