War Before Civilization: The Myth of the Peaceful Savage / Lawrence H. Keeley

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/ Lawrence H. Keeley
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Availability:Usually ships in 24 hours
Sales Rank: 133462
ISBN-10: 0195119126
ISBN-13: 9780195119121

Throughout much of this century the notion has been gaining ground, bolstered by genocide and Holocaust, that modern warfare is more barbaric than war has ever been. Alongside this view has grown a romantic impression that primitive cultures were, and are, more peaceful. Lawrence Keeley, an anthropologist at the University of Illinois, aims to dispel this inversion of the connotations of "civilization." He cites the historical evidence that humans have always been just as bloodthirsty as they are today, and that indeed in the days when death was less clinical it was often nastier. War, it seems, has always been with us.
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