Full Color Edition(Also Available Black&White $9.99/Kindle-3.99)): One Nonprofit’s Journey to Success, written by Savneet Singh, is an inspiring story of the New Heights Educational Group, a nonprofit, and its founder/director Ms. Pamela Clark. Singh chronicles a woman’s amazing journey who stepped out of her home to help families unhappy and disappointed with the traditional school system. The bullying incidents and lack of IEP assistance at local and charter schools made her sons feel uncomfortable and unsafe. So, she decided to home-school them and to fight for the families looking for an alternative way to educate their children. Despite all the roadblocks, she kept moving forward and devoted her life to helping parents in a unique way by establishing nonprofit. Ms. Clark’s humility and good work ethic shine through New Heights Educational Group today. She gives ample credit to current and former volunteers for the success of the organization and all the awards and recognition it has achieved over the past nine years. Singh also details the wide range of educational services offered by New Heights Educational Group and wonderful tips to manage a nonprofit organization. If you are a parent, a nonprofit stakeholder or just someone who wants to learn more about educational services and opportunities, you will find this book helpful. Many readers will find Ms. Clark's good work, perseverance and Christian faith inspirational. Now you can buy Books online in USA,UK, India and more than 100 countries.
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