Hashes & Bashes (2) (Faith, Family, Frenzy!) / PJ Colando,

Book Cover Hashes & Bashes (2) (Faith, Family, Frenzy!)
List Price: $3.18
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/ PJ Colando,
Publisher: BookBaby
Sales Rank: 3499221
ISBN-10: 0692758976
ISBN-13: 9780692758977


Nine months after their comically abbreviated RV road trip, detailed in the award-winning book, STASHES, the Breeden family farm routines have stabilized: Jackie returned to her high school cafeteria job and their only son, Brandon, works alongside his father, Steve, in the family micro-dairy.

But then an outsider arrives, claiming to be kin, and HASHES & BASHES begin.

Steve was already perturbed with the brother he has when Carl Edwards strides onto the farm. David Breeden, who lives nearby, is not a bastard but always acted like one. Carl, a charismatic Californian, may be a bastard, but doesn't act like one...

Yet Carl rocks the entire small Midwestern farming community, including a lively cast of characters who assault Steve's calm-against-chaos pattern in this humorous family saga:

* his spunky farmwife, Jackie, and her meddlesome church lady friends

* his immature son, Brandon, and his female pursuers

* his pastor, who attempts to foist guilt while grubbing funds

* the lure of edible and spreadable medical marijuana and easy money from natural gas fracking

Only Sparty, Steve's dog, remains steadfast throughout the hijinks. But then...
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