The Difference Maker: Making Your Attitude Your Greatest Asset / John C. Maxwell,

What can make the difference in your life today? How can two people with the same skills and abilities, in the same situation, end up with two totally different outcomes? Leadership expert John C. Maxwell says the difference maker is attitude. For those who have ever wondered what may be separating them from achieving the kind of personal and professional success they’ve always dreamt of, Dr. Maxwell has some words of insight: “Your attitude colors every aspect of your life. It is like the mind’s paintbrush.”

In The Difference Maker, Maxwell shatters common myths about attitude—what it can do for you and what it can’t. Showing you how to overcome the five biggest attitude obstacles, Dr. Maxwell teaches the skills you need to make attitude your biggest asset. Most importantly, you’ll learn not only how to develop an attitude that will have a tremendous impact on career, family, and daily living, but also how to maintain that attitude for the rest of your life.

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