Whether you're making a formal presentation, wooing a client, closing a sale, or proposing an idea, persuasive communication can make the difference between success and failure. "Well Said!" shows readers how to put themselves in their audience's shoes and tailor their message to the needs of decision makers. It reveals simple but powerful techniques anyone can use to prioritize, organize, and economize their words so that their communications are concise, clear, and--most importantly--convincing. Complete with real-life examples illustrating the concepts in action, this handy guide teaches readers how to: Use the words and phrases that get people to listen - Capture and hold attention - Gain instant credibility with decision makers - Optimize body language - Handle Q&A with finesse - Connect with the audience - Shine with or without PowerPoint - Perfect their elevator pitch - And much more Engaging and practical, "Well Said!" is the one book on presentation skills every professional should own. Now you can buy Books online in USA,UK, India and more than 100 countries.
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