What ever happened to that fist love? How did their lives turn out? Do they ever think about the wonderful times we spent together? Those care-free days when the only thing that really mattered was walking hand in hand on long walks or hanging out with friends at the arcade. Do they remember the first date and the first kiss? Do they still remember us and what would happen if we were ever able to see each other again? Would the old feelings of the past be reignited, or would it be a simple hello, how have you been and we part paths again. I always wondered how her life had turned out. Through the years a business card would left in a mailbox with no return call, letter or email. I guess the memories would be just that, memories. But in December of 2008, it was worth one more shot. One more attempt to make contact with the one girl whose memory stay hidden. The one girl who no matter how far I traveled or how hard I tried to suppress the thoughts of the past, thoughts of her were always just under the surface waiting to reawaken. One more time, one more attempt, just one more time and if nothing happens, let her memories fade, never to surface again. It has been two weeks since the card was dropped off. Well, we gave it our best shot. We tried one more time and since their has been no contact, her memory is starting to fade. I take our prom picture out of my wallet and place it in a small box with all of the remaining reminders of our love from so long ago. The phone rings. Must be someone with more bad news about why they can't deliver the materials ordered. "This is Jeff"(what do you want!), "This is Debbie." My response was cold and quick, "And?" A very long pause, "Jeff.....this.....is.... Debbie." I slowly remove both feet from my mouth. It is her! The long lost connection has been made. Now what? Join us for the most intense seven month "true love" one could ever have dreamed. Travel back to high school when life was so easy, so care-free and the word worry didn't exist. The chance meetings at college that at times were better forgotten. To present day when we are both trying to figure out if the feelings from the past should remain in the past or is there still something there; unfinished business from the past. There is plenty of time(?) to figure it all out. Now you can buy Books online in USA,UK, India and more than 100 countries.
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