Neurogenic Bladder and Bowel are conditions in which a person lacks bladder and bowel control due to a brain, spinal cord, or nerve condition. Millions of Americans live with this debilitating health issue. In 2009, JoAnne Lake was diagnosed with Neurogenic Bladder, finally discovering the cause of years of discomfort and embarrassment. Writing became her therapy and a way to connect with others who shared her diagnosis. Through her blog,, she met online others who shared her frustrations and challenges. JoAnne Lake shares her story in Beyond Embarrassment. Along the way she educates, empathizes, and encourages women who struggle with the same health issues. Written with a girlfriend-to-girlfriend feel, she provides practical “Tip Times” for dealing with the challenges of bladder problems as well as suggestions for living every day to its fullest. With professional input from Biosleuth medical research librarian Julia Parker, Beyond Embarrassment offers readers strategies for meeting their medical challenges and ideas for working with their medical teams, family, friends, work situations, and travel. Readers will discover ideas for getting on with living and not being held back by fear or anxiety about their conditions. Now you can buy Books online in USA,UK, India and more than 100 countries.
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