After the events of The Elixir War, Prince Jory is looking forward to having a quiet life with his wife and keeping the peace in the galaxy through his position at the Royal Planet Fleet. With the Elixir Trade looming, he hopes it will be an easy route to establish. The route to the Foridian System is patrolled by the space pirates of Ganta Zay who want the Elixir, so the former RPF pilot Evalycer Nicholls is pulled into service to get the cargo safely to the planet. The elixir and crew should be in good hands, but something in Evalycer’s past will put the whole team in jeopardy. Deception is everywhere, even on Foridian. Will Prince Jory be able to keep his crew safe this time? This is Book 2 in The Elixir Series. Now you can buy Books online in USA,UK, India and more than 100 countries.
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