No one knows when disaster will strike. Even so, most of us aren't prepared for it, when it does. A Time for Chaos chronicles the struggle of one family to survive amidst the chaos of a rapidly and radically changing world. John and his wife, Ariel, are awoken to the site of their beloved city burning in the distance, and all of the modern luxuries they had become accustomed to, damaged beyond repair. In a world without power, John and his beloved wife must escape the ever more dangerous city and journey to their hometown in search of sanctuary. What they find is not the sanctuary they had hoped for, but a rapidly changing and infinitely more complex new world that becomes stranger and more dangerous with every passing day.If the loss of power throughout the modern world was not enough, a sickness unlike anything ever seen is spreading across Europe and Asia, barreling toward the Americas, and are showing no signs of stopping. John and his family must adapt to a new world where old alliances will be tested and the institutions they had grown up trusting are no longer able to protect them from the wolves at the door. Now you can buy Books online in USA,UK, India and more than 100 countries.
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