This book is a collection of sacred poems which are inspired by the word of God. Poems that will open your mental and spiritual eyes to understand deep secrets in the scripture. Deliverance poems with ingredients of prophetic prayers within the lines and backed up by Bible verses that will awake your spirit man by the fire of the Holy ghost in the word. This book exposes the secrets of dark places of the earth and terrible things done by the fallen Angels for the author have studied a wide range of books including the Book of Enoch, the gospel of Thomas etc. Poems that will give you power to wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against rulers of darkness in heavenly realms. Within the lines are spiritual crystals that reveals the dynamics of the unseen realm. Poems that teaches the secrets of how not to be a casualty in spiritual warfare and then you'll become a trained soldier of Christ for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds. Wisdom of all wisdoms which are not vain mysteries like the ones taught by the Watchers for among the seven spirits of God is wisdom and it is written that those who seek wisdom shall be given, therefore with the wisdom given - all within the lines in simple words but deep symbols and wide imageries which am sure will be clear to you!Understanding the reckless and boundless love of the father, appreciating his grace and praising his holy name for his mercy over flesh and blood - a dust like us!. It's just like reading THE PSALMS OF DAVID and other Psalms written in the Bible, the power, the positive energy, the wisdom, the living water, the fire, the blood, the life! in the poems are more than great!Now , scroll to the top of this page and get this book! Now you can buy Books online in USA,UK, India and more than 100 countries.
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