Istobarra Commencement (Orbbelgguren Series) / Stephen Christiansen,

Book Cover Istobarra Commencement (Orbbelgguren Series)
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/ Stephen Christiansen,
Sales Rank: 99999999
ISBN-10: 1304855856
ISBN-13: 9781304855855

Medri Jabbress Olis'inth, a female dark elf necromancer, finds herself ensnared in a web of intrigue and conspiracies. In her journey through the underworld she uncovers more and more of a grand plot while discovering more about herself and where she fits in with her new life. Yasrae Do'tlar retains the blasphemous secret of his house. His only hope in keeping his house and his life alive is in the trust of a battle captive. Valas Velkyn, leader of the House of acquisitions from the city of Malzebowan, has found that one of his most trusted contacts has been assassinated. His investigation leads to a discovery of grand propotions, the likes of which can only lead to war. Enter a world of plots, lies, deception, and murder. This book launches the epic adventures of the Orbbelgguren series.
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