Research Methods for the Behavioral Sciences / Gravetter, Frederick J

Book Cover Research Methods for the Behavioral Sciences
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/ Gravetter, Frederick J
Publisher: Wadsworth Publishing
Availability:In Stock.
Sales Rank: 133834
ISBN-10: 1305104137
ISBN-13: 9781305104136

RESEARCH METHODS FOR THE BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES, Fifth Edition, helps readers see how interesting and exciting experimental and nonexperimental research can be. Inviting and conversational, the book leads readers through the research process from start to finish. It begins with tips and strategies for generating research ideas, moves to selecting measures and participants, and then offers an examination of research strategy and design. This step-by-step presentation emphasizes the decisions researchers must make at each stage of the process. The authors avoid a "cookbook" approach by linking terminology with applied concepts; their "lecture in a book" style makes the text accessible by emphasizing discussion and explanation of topics. Examples and content throughout the book reflect the most current APA guidelines.
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