December 22, 1348 - Lulworth Cove, England: Three aliens teleport to Earth. Only one knows why . . . Washed up on Earth with no plans, no memory & no way home, alien Foster Luck is abandoned by his two travel companions who go their separate ways. One's on a mission, one was forced here against his will & neither want anything to do with him. Worse, they leave him holding an infant whose parents died in the teleport accident. Foster raises the boy, Quinn, as his own. But it's not until he crosses paths with Quinn in his next lifetime he realizes how inseparable they've become. While Quinn reincarnates, Foster's alien body seems invincible-maybe immortal. He's also carrying a mysterious cognitive program in his head that tracks his circle of friends. For 666 yrs. Foster & Quinn work on the Warren Project, learning why the aliens came to Earth and how to build a way back. But the deeper Quinn looks into the project the more questions he has about himself, his friends & the woman he can't live without. Now you can buy Books online in USA,UK, India and more than 100 countries.
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