Follow Lora as she discovers the wonders of her adopted home, New York City. The moment she sets foot on the stimulating, rich land of culture, concrete and skyscrapers, it's an immediate love affair. Walk down the streets of the early 60's as she paints a captivating portrait of the spirit of the city, its landscape and people, neighborhoods and ethnic foods that puzzle her. A desire to begin a theatrical career, young, naïve, unsophisticated, Lora moves into the Rehearsal Club, a safe-haven sanctuary for young aspiring actresses where she lives for two years. She experiences the heartbreaking Jfk tragedy and travels with four other Club members to Washington Dc for the funeral. Based on a personal journal, she writes of her studies with famous drama and dance teachers and includes anecdotes of her Club housemates, celebrities and male friends. She also reveals poignant secrets of her closest roommates and how they affected her in unexpected ways. Now you can buy Books online in USA,UK, India and more than 100 countries.
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