Dexter Radcliff’s elderly great-aunt owns an ancient Native American artifact called the Talking Horn that allows one to speak with the dead, and when Dexter’s carelessness causes the Horn to be stolen he is plunged into a nightmarish struggle with the Lost Society, a vast narco-terrorist network of occult assassins led by a dead sorcerer. But Dexter’s problems have just begun—soon he will have to contend with parasitic brain-eating worms, sinister Longevitals who can live a very long time thanks to a hermetic treatment, a “Twisted Zoo” containing among its horrific exhibits Dexter’s murderous atavistic twin, “spectreholes” that open spectral doorways to other worlds, and a hellish monstrosity older than mankind that is preparing to return to earth and return earth to primordial chaos. This grisly novel is not for the timid. The first chapter entices the readers like a bloody fishing lure, and each following chapter drags them deeper and deeper into a swirling maelstrom of horror. Now you can buy Books online in USA,UK, India and more than 100 countries.
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