Lady Amelia Seabrook spends her days at her brother’s country estate, far removed from London Society. Ever since the tragic death of her betrothed, Captain Rycroft, she can’t bear the London Social Scene. Most days she can be found sitting on the banks of a small stream daydreaming about happier times with her captain. One day a stranger appears and spoils everything, or does he? Living in self-imposed exile the past twelve years, William Spencer, the Earl of Bridgeton loves the solitude of the countryside. Some days it bothers him to read the daily papers from London and still see his name being mentioned. After twelve years one would think the gossip mongers would have someone else to gossip about. Someone else to blame for the murders of his family members. William wanders his property one afternoon and glimpses a young lady relaxing on the edge of a stream. For the first time in years something awakens from deep inside him and maybe, just maybe, he has something to live for after all. Now you can buy Books online in USA,UK, India and more than 100 countries.
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