Jenna Rollins, a young twenty-seven year old single woman, hates everything about her life. Her job as a cashier at T J Maxx is unfulfilling, and she is ready to break up with Larry Owens, her boyfriend of two years. She thinks if she does, great things will happen in her life. But Larry breaks up with her, which sends her into a deep, dark depression. From the advice of Alyson Farley, her best friend, and Tracy Nave, her favorite co-worker, she goes back to church. It is at Harvest Time Church that she meets Angie Phelps, who encourages her to sing with the church band. When she does, Martin Garner, the music director, pushes her out of her comfort zone, and Dylan Patterson, the guitarist, is very interested in her. Now you can buy Books online in USA,UK, India and more than 100 countries.
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