“I was raised in Glenridge, Illinois, the fourth son of five to Stanley Paskavich. I graduated in 1977 at Sandoval High School and worked as a janitor there until I joined the USAF in 1979. I got out of the Air Force for medical reasons in 1991, shortly after running a shift in the Dover Delaware Port Mortuary. “Stantasyland is compiled from different times and beliefs in my life; some of the poems go back thirty years. I write about life, self, religionn, and spirituality, along with other things. Often I write per perspective. I don't intend to convince, confirm, or condemn with my writings, just possibly stimulate some different lines of thought. I respect anyone who is convinced in their belief and convictions, and/or belief system as long as they don't use it as a weapon against another. Truth. Peace. Tranquility (TPT). Stan Now you can buy Books online in USA,UK, India and more than 100 countries.
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