The Book of John: (Not The One In The Bible) / John T Long,

Book Cover The Book of John: (Not The One In The Bible)
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/ John T Long,
Publisher: FriesenPress
Sales Rank: 2243863
ISBN-10: 1525549952
ISBN-13: 9781525549953

Through his personal experiences John shows how he ultimately reached that place of peace and understanding that the world can neither give nor take away. Rather than meditating in a cave for twenty years, John has taken life head on in outrageous and sometimes unbelievable experiences that led to his awakening. This book reads like Hunter S. Thompson, Wayne Dyer and Jesus debating the meaning of life while bungee jumping blindfolded out of an Apache helicopter backwards and eating sushi together. The reader will be shocked, crying and then laughing uncontrollably over his strange and wonderful life full of hardship, supernatural experiences and spiritual epiphanies.

The story moves along at a good pace, and just when the reader thinks that he/she knows what is going to happen next, something out of the blue occurs. Lots of suspense and surprise and wonder. John tells the story in the present tense. That gives it a sense of immediacy. The humorous touches throughout are great! They balance out the sad stories in a yin-yang kind of way. John's voice in the prose is clear and persuasive. The reader can hear him saying these words sitting as if right next to them. Too many writers try to generate an "authorial" voice and end up sounding contrived. This book, on the other hand, clearly comes from the heart. It peels back layers of mystery yet never goes so far afield that the reader cannot follow. It is a journey the reader will love taking!
This book will kick off the reader's year in the right direction, leaving them feeling uplifted, lighter, and exploding into a million pieces of joy!

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