A mysterious group lurk in the shadows, pulling the strings of the puppets in play.
A deal between a hacker and a terrorist goes badly wrong and Special Intelligence Section Six is brought in to help. This opens a can of worms no one is prepared for.
A list of covert operative names is stolen and the race to find both it and the thief is on before those names go public. Jack Cross, an ex agent, is brought back to help Mike Flynn of SI6 take point in the operation.
The action rages from Crete to London and on up to Scotland.
Will SI6 prevail or will the names of the operatives become The Death List?
The Satan Strain: An ATLAS Thriller(ATLAS Force Book 1)
WIRE Tap: The new ATLAS Force Thriller(ATLAS Force Book 2)
Pray for Death (ATLAS Force Book 3)
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