It was a dream weekend…Kyrie Carter enters a Halloween-themed radio contest and wins a spot on a paranormal investigation at the Berkeley mansion, a local haunted house. Leading the investigation are Drac and Gabe Petery, stars of the hit show Project Boo-Seekers. Kyr can’t wait to be alone in the dark with her celebrity crush, Gabe. …that turned into a nightmare.Almost immediately, things take a turn for the worst. Fellow contest winners Andy and Kyle contemptuously dub her “Newbie,” and the Peterys’ behind-the-scenes teammate Spook Steele seems to have a chip on his shoulder whenever Kyr is around.Most unsettling of all is the aggressive, vengeful spirit of Jeremiah Berkeley, who targets Kyr after she discovers evidence of a century-old murder at the mansion. She and Steele must put their differences aside to solve the mystery before Jeremiah silences Kyr for good. Now you can buy Books online in USA,UK, India and more than 100 countries.
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