This is the large print version you can find the regular print version at A captivating new fantasy, perfect for adults or teens. Aveline lives an abusive and desolate life in a small isolated village with her father and younger brother. When her father sells her to the local lord, she flees the only life she has ever known. As she escapes into the forest surrounding her home, she comes across a young dragon. Is he real or just a figment of her imagination? Their journey takes them to the main city. When Aveline finds herself in trouble and our disgruntled anti-hero is left with no choice but to come to her rescue. Little does he know she might just become his savior. Herveus lives in the shadows, collecting stains on his soul. He has taken lives to protect his prince, leaving him feeling indifferent to the world around him. What will happen to him when he is forced to step into the light? And can Aveline become strong enough to face what is to come and combat the darkness sweeping beyond her small, lonely world? "The anti-hero character Herveus painted a memorable picture for me and I delighted in lines like 'eight men waiting for Herveus, warriors all', which played echoes of the language from Beowulf, deep within my head. Do I want to read the sequel; in the words of Penny from Big Bang Theory 'Damn right I do'." -Goodreads "The characters were heartfelt, and the whole book was truly special." -Goodreads "It grasped my attention right from the start and held it all the way to the end." -Goodreads "This book will capture you by the heart, tug, and squeeze you in this breathtaking novella." -Goodreads "Wonderful first installment of a new series. if you are an Eragon or Game of Thrones fan, this book is definitely for you. If not, it is still an entertaining read with interesting characters and an intriguing story line." -Goodreads "The Bound Novella is a lead into what promises to be an epic series of a battle between good and evil." -Goodreads Now you can buy Books online in USA,UK, India and more than 100 countries.
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