This book translates biostatistics in the health sciences literature with clarity and irreverence. Students and practitioners alike applaud Biostatistics: as the practical guide that exposes them to every statistical test they may encounter, with careful conceptual explanations and a minimum of algebra. The new Bare Essentials reflects recent advances in statistics, as well as time-honored methods. For example hierarchical linear modeling, which first appeared in psychology journals and only now is seen in medical literature, is described. Also new is a chapter on testing for equivalence and non-inferiority, and another on getting started with the computer statistics program, SPSS. Free of calculations and jargon, Bare Essentials speak so plainly that you won t need a technical dictionary. No math, all concepts. The objective is to enable you to determine if the research results are applicable to your own patients. Throughout the guide, you ll find highlights of areas in which researchers misuse or misinterpret statistical tests. We have labeled these C.R.A.P. Detectors (Convoluted Reasoning and Anti-intellectual Pomposity), which help you to identify faulty methodology and misuse of statistics. Now you can buy Books online in USA,UK, India and more than 100 countries.
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