Film and Video Budgets 6 / Ryan, Maureen

Book Cover Film and Video Budgets 6
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/ Ryan, Maureen
Publisher: Michael Wiese Productions
Availability:In Stock.
Sales Rank: 56879
ISBN-10: 1615932216
ISBN-13: 9781615932214

This is the latest edition of a book that has sold over 75,000 copies since its first printing in 1984 by producer/publisher Michael Wiese. An indispensible tool for any producer, this industry bible has been updated with the latest digital technologies for production and post-production the standard for most films today.

Downloadable budget templates are free and easily accessible at They can be adapted for any production and can save you tons of time and money. The templates include different budget levels for narrative features, non-fiction features, and short films.

The book goes through a 14-page Master Budget template line-by-line with an explanation for every line item in any budget. As it guides you through each step, you can use this book to put together budgets for proposals, treatments, and productions.

Maureen Ryan, Co-Producer, Academy Award -winning film, MAN ON WIRE
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