NEARLY TWENTY YEARS HAVE PASSED since the end of the devastating war which toppled the Tagaran Empire. Following this conflict, Armea has stabilized, ceasing the threat of the Corec and other enemies alike. However, when the city of Sorranon falls to flame and fury, panic begins to grow anew. Within this panic, two strangers, claiming to hail from an apocalyptic future, find influence with powerful allies. Their goal- save Armea through the use of Anastasia Daren, a young girl living within the West. Yet, without agreeing upon the role of said girl, their differing ideals brew trouble for both king and country as other threats rise. Hope for survival, of both Armea and the world, may lie within the hands of these strangers' orphan. Now you can buy Books online in USA,UK, India and more than 100 countries.
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