Where Evil Lays Waste (The Yonuh Trilogy) / Joshua Griffith, Judy Griffith,

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/ Joshua Griffith, Judy Griffith,
Publisher: Independently published
Sales Rank: 10312213
ISBN-10: 172391844X
ISBN-13: 9781723918445

Yonuh is being plagued every night by horrible, lucid nightmares as the P.A.N.E.L. squad has been out on the hunt, capturing all the shifters and bringing them before their master. The demon Zordic, growing evermore frustrated by his P.A.N.E.L. squad’s failures, has decided to take matter into his demonic, clawed hands by summoning an otherworldly bounty hunter that has a nasty reputation for killing first and converting its victims into shadow people in order for it to feed and stay here on Earth. Can Yonuh outwit the demon or will this new threat hunting him be too much for him and his friends to overcome?
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