Set in the beautiful Kafue National park in Zambia, one of the largest and highly populated parks in the world. It is the coming to life of one of the Gods of the Savannah. For the Tour operators and modern Zambian the God is just a mythological figure. This is the story of how a group of hunters come face to face with the God of the savanna to experience the reality of the Savannah God ”Tunga”, and left in no doubt that this is no myth at all. The book is filled with facts about the National park and its wildlife as well as Zambian traditional beliefs of the valley people. Readers of this book are greatly encouraged to visit the Kafue and see the natural beauty of the savanna and relive this tale of the actual places and events recorded.A father decides to take his son and niece on a hunting expedition in one of the world’s biggest animal parks, the Kafue National Park, but the expedition turns sour as they are challenged by the god of the savanna its hidden savanna’s secrets are revealed in what is a truly breath taking tale.Sara and Michael are law school graduates and have just been admitted to the bar. Michael’s father, Peter, is in the construction and real estate business. His mother is a renowned neurosurgeon with her own practice. Sara’s father is the mining multi-millionaire Daniels whose signature is as good as cash and he is in almost any business that deals in millions. Her mother is the country’s finance minister and also owns over thirty per cent of the shares on the stock exchange. Michael is an accountant with his own accounting firm; his favorite hobby is big game tracking and is among the best if not the best. He and Peter are very good friends despite their great age difference and the all loved a challenging hunt......The noise of violent growling, roaring and bellowing brought them back to earth as the young bull reappeared from the grass with a large male lion clung to its head. The right horn of the buffalo had pierced through the lion’s abdomen and was protruding from its lower back just above the tail. Blood was dripping all over the bull’s head as the lion tried to fight its way off the horns in great pain.“I really do enjoy challenges but I can’t see the challenge in tracking buffalo unless there is something we don’t know about this particular herd”, Mark said as he looked at ....“The charm of elusiveness obviously and that’s why I insisted that you come”, Peter answered“The guy at the reception laughed at me when I told him we were going for the herd that no hunter had been able to crop from”,“He says the herd is charmed, even the predators have not been able to kill from the herd”, answered“What kind of charm?” Mark asked showing great interest in the subject as he placed his glass on the table.Instinctively the calf stepped underneath the cow towards its swollen udder and was soon suckling hungrily to the relief of the cow.The other buffaloes were by now busy sniffling around the area as the strong stench of blood kept them tense and alert. A large bull, bigger than any of the other buffaloes and extremely fierce looking with its many battle scares, sniffed the after birth of the dead buffalo that the lion had got away with. It then raised it head towards the sky and bellowed out loudly, so loud that monkeys in the nearby trees fell off the branches and the birds that were begin to settle down for the night flew off their perches in the trees. The calf continued suckling unperturbed by this noise which made the other buffaloes stand still. Again unknown to all this was the bull that had mounted the dead buffalo during the last mating season and he was the herd’s leading bull. The bull then turned away from the afterbirth and began moving out of the clearing, the other buffaloes began following behind. The calf which now had its fill also followed its new mother obediently.“The gods believed that the little evil that had seeped into the world could not ....... Now you can buy Books online in USA,UK, India and more than 100 countries.
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