Believing herself to be a Christian didn’t stop Felecia from spending years running away from God. She followed her own brand of spiritualism, walking a strange and treacherous road through a maze of sex and drugs, living as she liked. Until her world came crashing down. When she lost everything, she realized she had nowhere else to turn but to God . . . and just in the nick of time. Felecia discovered God had never left her side and had been asking all along, “Are You Ready?” She never knew that she needed a Savior, and she finally answered “Yes!” to His definitive question. In this spiritual, coming-of-age memoir, Felecia delights with humor and sorrow, sharing the best and worst of her life and how God grew her faith so she could survive trials she would face and an on-going fight with cancer. Now you can buy Books online in USA,UK, India and more than 100 countries.
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