Pope Francis, Politics and the Mabanta Boy is Sheka Tarawalie's autobiography tracing his early life in Sierra Leone, through imprisonment and being declared a `wanted man', before his exile to the UK. The book also remembers his political appointment. Working through continual conflict and confrontation with his government colleagues and the President who appointed him, Sheka still managed to be within the system for several years and at the same time make landmark inputs. In addition - while recounting the circumstances of his meeting with Pope Francis at the Vatican in his official capacity - Sheka delves into the history of the Church, the powers of the Pope, the child sex abuse scandals - even the historical `sins' of the Crusades, the Transatlantic slave trade and the sale of indulgences which led to the Reformation. A book that is likely to stir debate, Pope Francis, Politics and the Mabanta Boy goes on to confront the many delicate issues around contemporary Islamic fundamentalism, Al Qaeda and Islamic State. Now you can buy Books online in USA,UK, India and more than 100 countries.
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