Edited by: Asma Siddiqui This book, "You Rise Today!", dwells to inspire and motivate readers of all age groups. You will go on a journey of self-discovery as each chapter discusses a certain value, ideology or a moral characteristic you find close to your heart. This book talks about the tests, trials, and tribulations we experience and learn from that adds value to our character, develops our personality, strengthens our beliefs, fortifies our viewpoints and builds our mental and emotional acumen to face the world with the resolve to succeed. We all are destined to rise above our ego and embrace life for in this journey we get to know more about ourselves. If you know who you are, you will rise, you will succeed. Begin your journey now. You Rise Today! REVIEW BY Ms. FAIQA MANSAB: According to Ms. Faiqa Mansab, author of "This House of Clay and Water" "The chapter headings as titles and the discussion by the writer on those habits, qualities, and attitudes is not overwhelming, or slow as some self-help books can be. In fact, it's the opposite. The short chapters are like little sips of practical wisdom. " Now you can buy Books online in USA,UK, India and more than 100 countries.
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