Living above Limitations: Helpful Strategies for Handling Life’s Limitations / Precious Isafiade,

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/ Precious Isafiade,
Publisher: Crown Of Goodness Inc
Sales Rank: 9737853
ISBN-10: 1999488016
ISBN-13: 9781999488017

In life, everyone faces challenges. We are either struggling with one limitation or the other. Most people give up on life due to these challenges, limitations and life’s circumstances, while only a few are able to conquer and live above their limitations. In this book, the author, Precious Isafiade uses her life story to explain:How you can overcome your limitations using the power of imagination and vision.How perpetually speaking your dreams in the face of limitations can help you live above those limitations.Why believing in your dreams is a prerequisite to achieving them no matter the impeding circumstances.How focusing on your life’s purpose in the face of ugly circumstances generates enough positive energy in you to live above those circumstances.How to keep your hope alive in times of seemingly hopeless situations.Why everyone can overcome their limitations if they dedicate their lives to hard work and diligence. How to look fear in the face and defeat it.How to find advantages and blessings in limitations.How to push beyond limitations using the sheer power of perseverance.Despite the fact that we live in a world of limitations and problems, this book will teach you how to break limits and live above limitations. It will challenge you to achieve your dreams and live a purpose-driven life. The world is yours for the taking. Do not give up. Reach for your dreams!
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