An evil dragon. A damsel in distress. A concerned father seeking a savior. A hero galloping off to the rescue - a knight in shining armor. Now THAT is stuff of fairy tales. But what if the father's real concern is for the dragon's hoard; What if the damsel's reason of distress is the marriage proposal by her pompous savior; and what if the story is told by the horse who bears not only the overweight knight but also his heavy, shining armor all the way to the dragon's lair and back, facing certain death in the process? What if there was more - much more - to all your favourite fairy tales than meets the eye? This book chronicles not one but seven such unfairy tales - tales told by undead horsemen and living cities. Tales of mistreated hobgoblins and misunderstood magicians. Tales of disagreeable frogs and distressed mice. And bears baring their souls. Once you read these stories, you will never be able to look at a fairy tale the same way ever again. Now you can buy Books online in USA,UK, India and more than 100 countries.
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