Will The Web Break?: Book 2 in 'The Web of Lies' / Sylvia Damsell,

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/ Sylvia Damsell,
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Katherine and Timothy are on their way to Timothy’s home in Alaska, finally together after many lies and misunderstandings. Until Grant, Katherine’s first husband, gives permission for the older twins of Katherine’s to stay permanently in Fairbanks the visit has to be temporary. But Grant is frightened Katherine will take his children away permanently, despite having abused them when he did have custody of them. That custody had been given to Katherine when she proved in court that he was not fit to have them and showed videos taken by their nanny of his abuse of them.
Katherine does not realise when they board the plane in New York how much trouble Grant is planning and once on the plane has no time to think of him. Her time is too full working out a way to save the plane and its passengers from being killed.

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