Thirty-two, a single mom, and her world crashing down around her...
Melissa's thirty-second birthday was a train wreck of a day only made worse when she ran out of gas. Not only did she have to go into work, but after coming in late once too often, she finds herself fired. Following her supervisor's suggestion that she look into taking some courses to gain a job qualification that might work better around her children's schedules, she's surprised when the financial aid officer suggests she go apply for the Bride Program grant. After seeing the stipend offered and armed with the knowledge that there is only the remotest of possibilities that she'd turn out to be someone's perfect match, she decides to take a chance...
Junrig joined the Bride Fleet not to find a bride, but to help make life easier for those who did. He knows he's more at home with starship environmental systems than people, and that's okay. His assignment to the flagship of the Bride Fleet means he'd be among the last entered into the matching program anyway, and only then once more of the warriors and support staff on the other ships have mated. The day he is alerted to his match, he's astounded.
Is it all a mistake, or is their melded family's happiness truly written in the stars?
Junrig is the second book in the Mate the Stars series, but can be read as a stand-alone. It is 37, 886 words of unabashedly romantic love, with a HEA.
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