After years of requests we finally present to you this Autobiography about the spiritual awakening of International Spiritual Medium David Vickers from a young boy to young…ish man. Written in the way that he himself would speak and act, it makes for an entertaining read portraying the many strange and unusual happenings, life changing events and personal encounters he has embraced and endured during his life. The tears, the laughter, the fear, the heartache and the lessons in between, this book provides you with a real insight into the ways spiritual communication can develop and how it can have a valuable impact on your life. David over the years has assisted countless people on their own personal journeys with every one taking different paths to develop further, this is where his passion lies as it is his belief that spiritual communication is not a ‘gift’ but a natural ability in all. Now you can buy Books online in USA,UK, India and more than 100 countries.
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