Is college worth it? There are so many ways to make a living today thanks to the internet. Here we talk about the pros and cons of the high cost of education along with alternatives that anyone can do. You CAN make a living without a college degree. I am living proof. At these prices you are crazy if you go to college unless you’re seeking a few select careers. Yet the demand is through the roof. Teachers and parents tell us we have no future unless we go to college. Well are they going to pay your student loans? Learn how to sell yourself, cheat the online application systems by using action verbs, and make a living other ways besides a typical 9 to 5. This book will slap you in the face with a reality check of how student loans can effect you for the rest of your life. Discussions on the job market shift, online applications, entrepreneurship, useful majors, college alternatives, student debt stories, life without a degree and much more. Save yourself thousands of dollars by thinking outside the box and not do what everyone else is doing. This book also calculates how a $25,000 college degree could cost you as much as $12 per hour. The loan sharks want to talk to you! Will you sign? Now you can buy Books online in USA,UK, India and more than 100 countries.
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