Morgue: A Life in Death / Dr. Vincent Di Maio, Ron Franscell

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/ Dr. Vincent Di Maio, Ron Franscell
Publisher: St. Martin's Press
Availability:Usually ships in 24 hours
Sales Rank: 234868
ISBN-10: 1250067146
ISBN-13: 9781250067142

Edgar finalist for 2017! Forensicscience is booming. TV dramas, books and movies have made morgues cool. Complextechnology and intricate research can take curdled blood, bone shards, andflakes of skin and turn them into justice.And Vincent Di Maio, MD, son of a famous NewYork City medical examiner, is one of the lions of forensic science in his ownright.  In this clear, gritty, andenthralling narrative, Di Maio himself guides us into the inner sanctum, throughthe cases that have made him famous, from the exhumation of assassin Lee HarveyOswald and the racially charged shooting of Florida teen Trayvon Martin, to theunmasking of a serial baby-killer and the mysterious death of troubled geniusVincent van Gogh. Along the way, one of the country's most methodical andintuitive criminal pathologists will dissect himself, maintaining a nearlycontinuous flow of suspenseful stories, revealing anecdotes, and enough macabreinsider details to rivet the most fervent crime fans.
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