The Ninth Edition of Human Resource Management: Gaining a Competitive Advantage was developed to teach students how to face and meet a variety of challenges within their organizations and how to gain a competitive advantage for their companies.

This product represents a valuable approach to teaching human resource management for several reasons:
  • The content draws from the diverse research, teaching, and consulting experiences of the four authors who have taught human resource management to undergraduates, MBA students, and experienced managers and professional employees.
  • The teamwork approach gives a depth and breadth to the coverage that is not found in other texts.
  • The content emphasizes how the HRM function, as well as the management of human resources, can help companies gain a competitive advantage.
  • The content discusses current issues such as social networking, talent management, diversity, and employee engagement, all of which have a major impact on business and HRM practice.
  • Strategic human resource management is introduced early in the book and integrated throughout the text.
  • Examples of how new technologies are being used to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of HRM practices are presented.
  • Examples of how companies are evaluating HRM practices to determine their value are discussed.

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