I Like Me! (Picture Puffin Books) / Nancy Carlson

Book Cover I Like Me! (Picture Puffin Books)
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/ Nancy Carlson
Publisher: Puffin Books
Availability:Usually ships in 24 hours
Sales Rank: 70301
ISBN-10: 0140508198
ISBN-13: 9780140508192

Meet Nancy Carlson s peppy pig a character who is full of good feelings about herself. Her story will leave little ones feeling good about themselves, too!

"Little ones in need of positive reinforcement will find it here. An exuberant pig proclaims "I like me!" She likes the way she looks, and all her activities....When she makes a mistake she picks herself up and tries again." --Booklist

"Wonderful in its simplicity, here's a story that will help kids feel good about themselves." -- Boston GLobe
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