Understanding Pathophysiology (Huether, Understanding Pathophysiology) / Huether RN PhD, Sue E.

Learn the essential concepts of pathophysiology and stay up to date on treatments, manifestations, and mechanisms of disease with Understanding Pathophysiology, 5th Edition. Filled with vibrant illustrations and complemented by online resources that bring pathophysiology concepts to life, this easy-to-read text delivers the latest, most accurate information on the disease process across the lifespan, giving you the fundamental knowledge you need to move forward in your nursing education.

  • Consistent presentation helps you better distinguish pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, and evaluation and treatment for each disease.
  • More than 1,000 high-quality illustrations vividly depict clinical manifestations and cellular mechanisms underlying diseases.
  • Lifespan coverage details age-specific conditions affecting pediatric, adult, and aging patients in great depth.
  • Algorithms throughout the text clarify disease progression.
  • Risk Factor boxes alert you to important safety considerations associated with specific diseases.
  • Health Alert boxes highlight new developments in biologic research, diagnostic studies, preventive care, treatments, and more.
  • Quick Check boxes test your retention of important chapter concepts.
  • Did You Understand? sections provide fast, efficient review of chapter content.
  • Chapter outlines help you find specific information with ease.
  • Chapter introductions explain why chapter content is important and how it fits into a broader health care context.
  • Key terms are bolded throughout the text for fast, easy reference.
  • Glossary of selected terms familiarizes you with the most difficult or important terminology.
  • Companion Evolve website provides convenient online access to animations, review questions, key terms matching exercises, and more.
  • NEW! Extensively updated content reflects the latest clinical findings and research across the full spectrum of pathophysiology.
  • NEW! Hundreds of new and enhanced full-color illustrations clarify anatomy and physiologic concepts.
  • NEW! 30 new animations on the companion Evolve website reinforce your understanding of complex processes.

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