As an author of Fantasy Fiction, Courtroom Drama, and Horror, no one ever expected Dedra L. Stevenson to compile a book of her favorite international recipes, but three years ago, she started exploring food from around the planet for Ramadan, as it was a way to teach her family about the cultures of the world. Once the word got out, her recipes stirred a great deal of interest, and her unique approach to Ramadan cooking became a hit! Breaking Bread Around the World provides easy meal plans for 30 different countries, and a bonus chapter with extra recipes for breakfast, side dishes and a few extra desserts. The book is also Vegan friendly, as there are a generous number of Vegan recipes included! There's photos of all the food available, and Dedra's personal notes on each country, thereby providing a bit of travel information as well. All in all, this cookbook is a great addition to any library, and a portion of the profits are donated to charities that feed the needy, so you can't go wrong with this one! Now you can buy Books online in USA,UK, India and more than 100 countries.
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