Crossroads in the Dark 2: Urban Legends / Wimer, Kevin

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/ Wimer, Kevin
Publisher: Burning Willow Press, LLC
Sales Rank: 5168086
ISBN-10: 0692820493
ISBN-13: 9780692820490

32 tales…32 storytellers with a twisted mind to entice you.When you were younger, the stories told around the campfire were the best you had ever heard. The bedtime stories our elders would tell us were the ones that put us to sleep but the campfire was where you got the chills to stay up because of every sound the woods made at night. It is hard to believe in a world where things do not get creepier at night or the world does not come more to life at dusk. Where the world gets just a little unhinged in the dark. Urban Legends is a collection with some of today’s up and coming authors in the indie world. Giving you their takes on the tales they grew up with…legends of mystery, of the macabre, of horror, designed to make the hairs on your neck stand alert and your skin crawl. You know some of the stories but do you know the twisted minds of the author telling the tale? Make sure you keep the lights on…things get harder to wrap your thoughts around at the Crossroads in the Dark. TABLE OF CONTENTS:Introduction “Inclusion” by Edd SowderForeword by Kerry Alan DenneyThe Game by Kevin WimerThe Trusted by Samantha AlexandraPossession of the Hexham Heads by L. M. BarrettSite 48 by T. J. WeeksTommy’s Bend by David Owain HughesA Farmhouse Haunting by L. BachmanPump One by Richard Farren BarberThe Scarlet Cloak by Karen BovenmyerThe Yonder by R. M. WarrenForfeit Tissue by C. C. AdamsPlague by T. Joseph BrowderThe Whispering Tree by Glenn Damien CampbellSleep Tight by Brian G. MurrayThe Miners by Alice J. BlackThe Legend of Sugisawa Village by Michael ArnoldSweet Dreams by Jonathan ShipleyCemetery Mountain by Jay Michael Wright IISend in the Clowns by Kerry Alan DenneyDream Sequence by S. L. PerrineFriend Request by Frank MartinEigengrau by Michael SchutzPigman Road by W. T. WatsonThe Goatman by Mark ReefeSad Sarah by Carl AlvesUrban Legend (With a Modern Twist) by Donna Marie WestNight Hunt by L. D. RicardShadow Ink by Aziza SphinxThe King of Hollywood by MJ KobernusSlow Gurgling Under Water by Sergio PalumboThe Dark Forest by James MasterThe Spirited Children by S. L. KernsSevered Attachments by Jonathan Edward Ondrashek
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