The Best Mariachi in the World / El mejor mariachi del mundo is bilingual (English/Spanish) embedded text picture book that incorporates cultural tradition, wishes, and the happiness that can be found when a person Everyone in Gustavo s family is in a mariachi band. Everyone except Gustavo, that is. They all play violins, trompetas and guitarrones. They all make wonderful music in restaurants and at wedding parties. Gustavo would love to join the band, but he can't play any of the instruments. What's a wannabe mariachi to do? Illustrator Dani Jones uses bright, warm colors to show the hot desert landscape. She also incorporates the styles of art and patterns from the Southwestern area (the setting of The Best Mariachi in the World / El mejor mariachi del mundo) to help illustrate the story. Her bold, graphic style combined with comic interpretation portrays Gustavo's full range of emotions as he pursues his mariachi dream. Now you can buy Books online in USA,UK, India and more than 100 countries.
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