Divine Purpose: Find the Passion Within / Cynthia Yoder,

Book Cover Divine Purpose: Find the Passion Within
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/ Cynthia Yoder,
Publisher: Open Door Publications
Sales Rank: 9020817
ISBN-10: 0982891822
ISBN-13: 9780982891827

Are you looking for your purpose in life? Do you want to make a more meaningful contribution? In this book, Cynthia Yoder walks you through a powerful, three-stage process to help you understand your purpose in the world. As you uncover a deeper impulse for your life, you will naturally experience greater passion and meaning in your work and relationships. Divine Purpose guides you in creating conditions in your life to support the spontaneous arising of meaning, helps you listen for what your purpose is, and inspires you to express that in the world. Gathered over years of supporting people in living powerful and meaningful lives, the tools Cynthia offers will help you navigate the creative process of understanding who you are as a Divine being and find ways to express that in meaningful and powerful ways. Come and join the many others on the journey of finding their true purpose and living it authentically and with passion!
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