After Dark continues the saga of Alex and her friends. The conflict between the fae community and the local vampire coven not only continues, but has taken a surprising new turn. Victor and Ariel must join forces to help a new alley. Both are wounded souls in need of rescue. Ariel, may appear strong and self-confident on the outside, but inside she is still struggling to deal with a serious trauma from the past. Moving back to New York is a huge adjustment and to make things more complicated, she can’t stop thinking about one of the warriors; a dangerous blonde hunk that seems to be avoiding her. Victor is a loner who rarely trusts. For him, women are taboo. It started with his crazy mother and was reinforced by a bad relationship years ago. But he can’t stop thinking about a sexy blonde with long legs and a knock out body. Can Victor and Ariel join together to battle their enemy and their fears or will their past tear them apart forever? Now you can buy Books online in USA,UK, India and more than 100 countries.
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