Anaesthesia at a Glance / Julian Stone, William Fawcett

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/ Julian Stone, William Fawcett
Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell
Availability:Usually ships in 24 hours
Sales Rank: 2950587
ISBN-10: 1405187565
ISBN-13: 9781405187565

Anaesthesia at a Glance is a brand new title that provides a concise and visually-orientated summary of a comprehensive lecture course in anaesthesia. Ideal for clinical undergraduate medical students and Foundation Programme doctors undertaking anaesthesia attachments, it gives a systematic, broad view of anaesthesia in various specialties, taking the reader through preparation, management and the pharmacology behind anaesthetic medicine.

Anaesthesia at a Glance is supported by a companion website at containing interactive multiple-choice questions and answers together with a selection of interactive cases – perfect for study and revision.

Whether you want to refresh your knowledge or need a thorough overview of the specialty, Anaesthesia at a Glance presents all the vital clinical information you need.

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