More than desiccated mummies clinging to their bracelets of gold and silver, or old carved stonewalls and pyramids of adobe baking in the world's driest desert, in Peru the corpses are silently piling high as the descendants of the Inca's endure terror on top of the Andes and along the coast the Creoles ignore the cries of desperation as simpleton superstitions. To find this secret you have to leave the tourists trade routes, go into the cold wilderness, to the high country of thin air, and ask all the wrong questions! Those with little experience would call them vampires, but it is not blood that they are after...they are the Pishtaku. In the Inca language of Quechua, the word "Pishtay" means cutting into slices. Now you can buy Books online in USA,UK, India and more than 100 countries.
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