Silvie's Life / Dr Marianne Rogoff,

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/ Dr Marianne Rogoff,
Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
Sales Rank: 1387666
ISBN-10: 1492161918
ISBN-13: 9781492161912

Since its first publication by Zenobia Press in 1994, Silvie's Life has been taught in medical courses and presented at conferences on end-of-life issues, narrative medicine, and palliative care. Translated by Gradiva, Lisbon, optioned for film, and cited in bioethics dissertations, this story has inspired significant changes in healthcare protocols now in use around the world. "The gift Rogoff brings to us in Silvie's Life lies in understanding anew how life and death flow together, shaping our consciousness." (Patricia Holt, San Francisco Chronicle) "Big stuff, the stuff that takes us to the cemeteries outside of Tibet to initiate us. Stuff that brings us to know suffering and what brings us back around to sublimity." (Susan Englebry, Commonweal Gardens) "I use your book to teach my nursing ethics classes." (Anita Catlin, DNCs, FNP, Sonoma State University) "Will surely provide comfort and healing to many who are struggling with their own senseless tragedies." (Carol Pulskamp, Sacramento Reads) "Lucid, honest, full of poetry, humanity, wisdom." (Alicia Ostriker, Rutgers University) "A little jewel." (Joanne Kyger, Naropa Institute)
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