As a young African American girl residing in rural Louisiana in the 1960s, Raine Jackson faces numerous challenges as she struggles to find love and inner peace within her own mind. As the young girl searches for love from her father who holds a grudge against her mother she wonders if she will ever live up to his standards and gain his affection. Jealously and rage engulfs her as she watches her father share his love with everyone but her. The young girl faces numerous issues with bullies, racist remarks, and self-doubt. A mysterious letter from an anonymous sender and visions with premonitions of the future embarks Raine on a heart thrilling quest to discover buried secrets about her family. Will she ever discover how to love herself and make sure her broken family becomes whole again?If you love suspense, fantasy, family drama then this is the right novel for you. Perfect for young adults and those adults who love to take a trip back in time to the past. Daughter Cry No More will leave you wondering what is going to happen next as you flip through the pages of this novel. Now you can buy Books online in USA,UK, India and more than 100 countries.
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